Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics

At EBIS, we provide advanced solutions based on Power BI, Fabric, and Azure Synapse Analytics, enabling real-time data integration, storage, and analysis. With our expertise in Microsoft Data Science Tools, we help businesses unlock the full potential of their data. 

microsoft azure synapse analytics

Benefits of implementing Azure Synapse Analytics

Implementing Azure Synapse Analytics is a step towards modern solutions that will allow your company to process and analyze data faster and more effectively. The integration of this platform allows for a combination of data analysis, integration with various sources and information storage in a way that supports strategic decision-making. Here are the main benefits of implementing this tool in your company:

Seamless Power BI integration

When combined with Power BI, Azure Synapse Analytics becomes an even more powerful data management tool. This integration enables seamless data transfer and real-time analysis, ensuring access to the most up-to-date insights.

With Power BI synchronization, your teams can visualize data and create dynamic reports that facilitate quick decision-making.

Implementing this platform maximizes data potential, boosts productivity, reduces costs, and supports data-driven decision-making.

Microsoft Power Apps – dla kogo? 

Power Apps to idealne rozwiązanie dla firm, które: 

  • Chcą szybko wdrażać aplikacje mobilne i webowe bez potrzeby angażowania dużych zespołów programistów. 
  • Potrzebują aplikacji dostosowanych do swoich specyficznych potrzeb biznesowych.
  • Chcą umożliwić swoim pracownikom nietechnicznym tworzenie aplikacji biznesowych.
  • Szukają narzędzi wspierających automatyzację i analizę danych.
data analytics, data science

Why choose EBIS for Azure Synapse Analytics implementation?

By selecting EBIS, you gain a trusted partner who understands the data management needs of modern businesses. Our expertise and extensive service portfolio allow us to deliver solutions tailored to your business requirements, regardless of size or industry. 

We ensure full integration of Microsoft tools, guaranteeing consistency and efficiency at every stage—from initial assessment to full deployment and long-term support. With our expertise, your company can accelerate its goals and make the most of its data for strategic decision-making.