Increase your profit through informed analysis
Jim Bergeson once said that “data will talk to you if you’re willing to listen to it”. Analysing and drawing conclusions are vital business skills. If you “listen to” your data in a correct way, it will be a key to the improvement of your company’s financial results. If you are looking for Business Intelligence experts who are really passionate about data analysis, you are in the right place!
EBIS - your proven business partner

We are perfectly acquainted with possibilities of Microsoft Power BI which we have been successfully implementing for our clients since its first versions.

We offer comprehensive support – from consultations through design, implementation to system maintenance.

Strong identification with projects of our customers means that we are always one step ahead of their needs.

Our team of experienced consultants with many years experience in BI is always ready to implement new undertakings.
What skills do we have?
Our mission and values
We put people and interactions over processes. Operating BI systems are more valuable to us than drawing detailed documentation. We believe that fast reaction to threats and changes brings more benefits than strict adherence to the once prepared plan. Our greatest value is to work with the client, not to negotiate contract conditions. We are open to innovations, we can listen and draw conclusions. We make decisions on the basis on our previous experiences.
We implement systems of Business Intelligence class in the P-D-C-A cycle:
- plan,
- do,
- check,
- act.
What does it mean in practice?
Each stage of work on the implementation of the BI system is:
- carefully planned,
- then made in a test version,
- verified,
- and only after successful testing, made available to users.
Thanks to this procedure, the final effect of our work is fully consistent with requirements set by our Clients.
Values that guide us in our everyday work are focus, commitment, openness and respect. We believe that thanks to these values we can build lasting relationships with our Clients, based on trust and joint pursuit of the set goals, and consistently implement the adopted mission of our company, which is “we help companies to increase their profits through accurate data analysis”.