The variety of completed Business Intelligence projects and many satisfied customers are the best proof of the high level of EBIS specialists’ skills. Get to know some of our projects:

Afriso specializes in providing high quality measurement, monitoring and control solutions for heating, ventilation and cooling installations. It operates almost globally – in 60 countries with nearly 1000 people employed.
EBIS has implemented Power BI system for Afriso in two areas:
- sales,
- finances.
What effects did it bring? The solutions of Business Intelligence class applied enabled Afriso to fully automate the analysis of data from sales reports. What is more, the company obtained information on the effectiveness of promotional campaigns conducted and their impact on the real profit of the company. The customer behaviour has also become easier to understand. Such in-depth data analysis allowed for even better management of the company’s pricing policy.

Amex is a leader in the import and distribution of office and school supplies. The implementation of Power BI system made by EBIS covered two key areas:
- sales,
- finances.
The distribution channels and market trends in the industry were analysed in depth. This significantly improved the process of planning sales and promotion strategies. The ability to view 24/7 statistics from the level of various devices is of a great value to Amex.

Another Power BI system implementation project was carried out by us for Eqology, an expert in natural cosmetics and dietary supplements.
What areas of company activities did the analysis cover?
- marketing,
- prediction,
- customers behaviour,
- product assortment.
The implementation of Power BI in Eqology provided access to ad hoc management data, which in turn translated into the ability to make accurate and precise decisions regarding the key areas of the company’s operations. Business Intelligence systems allow for the real-time analysis of data from various sources. In the case of Eqology, this feature had a positive impact on the effectiveness of marketing activities and ultimately improved its financial results.

Nattopharma specializes in the distribution and sales of preparations based on vitamin K and other active ingredients. The implementation of Power BI system helped primarily to improve the process of sales data analysis and contributed to the effectiveness of promotional activities.
The following areas have been analysed:
- sales,
- finances,
- inventory.
Access to a cross-sectional revenue picture allowed Nattopharma to increase its profitability and to shape its pricing policy even better.

EBIS has implemented a Business Intelligence system for K2 Vitamin, which supports the analysis of subscription sales of vitamins. The company’s main market is Scandinavian countries. The reporting areas covered by the analysis are:
- sales results,
- expenditures,
- objectives,
- marketing activities,
- call-center.
Currently, thanks to the implemented Business Intelligence system, TG Montgomery is able to make business decisions regarding the promotions and analyze sales results on an ongoing basis. The Power BI system, which EBIS has implemented, is in the phase of continuous development. We are constantly adding modules of analytical areas, which are of key importance from the point of view of K2 business development.

Robinson is a company that specializes in providing high quality fishing equipment. EBIS had the pleasure to implement from scratch a Business Intelligence system based on Power BI platform in the areas of sales, sales orders, as well as its planning.
Thanks to this cooperation, Robinson has a possibility to perform quick analyses without the need of data export from the source system and to process reports. This has significantly reduced the time of providing information to the management and streamlined the decision-making process. Apart from the analytical modules, EBIS has also implemented tools for monitoring sales targets.

DC Centrum is a company operating in the area of consulting and accounting. The main goal of cooperation with EBIS was to build a Business Intelligence system, which was to integrate data from various internal IT systems of the company and from partners’ systems.
The main objectives of the project were:
- streamlining of data exchange,
- improvement of information flow and reporting,
- improvement and automation of the reporting process,
- sharing mobile access to data with users.
All system features implemented by EBIS helped DC Centrum to streamline its business analysis processes.

We have implemented a system for analyzing subscription sales of vitamins in Scandinavia. Sales, costs, targets, marketing and call-center were reporting areas which needed to be covered. At the moment, thanks to the implemented system, TG Montgomery are able to make more accurate business decisions connected with promotion and they can easily analyze their sales data in real time. The system is still being developed, where EBIS are adding new analytical areas specified by K2.

Jeronimo Martins, in cooperation with EBIS, has implemented and is developing the Power BI system, which was intended at the initial stage to create a report on marketing campaigns. The construction of the model allowed the client to analyze, among others:
- visits
- unique users
- average time spent on the site
- page views
- unique views
- actions per visit
- exit rate,
- bounced rate,
- page generation time
As part of new projects, implementation of other areas is planned, the analysis of which will allow for dynamic development and increase of the potential of information contained in processed data.