Microsoft Data Activator

Microsoft Data Activator is an innovative data activation platform that transforms data into action through automated alerts and integrations. With EBIS, you can fully leverage this platform by integrating it with Power BI and other Microsoft tools. This enables real-time data monitoring and data-driven decision-making. 

data activator microsoft

Key features of Microsoft Data Activator

The key to faster, smarter business decisions

Data Activator empowers businesses to make faster and more precise decisions using real-time data. The main benefits include:

  • Better predictability – by analyzing current trends, businesses can proactively make decisions that safeguard future operations. 
  • Dynamic decision-making – data-driven alerts enable immediate action on critical changes, reducing risks and capitalizing on new opportunities. 
  • Business process optimization – event-based automation removes the need for manual monitoring, saving time and resources. 

How data Activator enhances operational efficiency?

Microsoft Data Activator helps businesses achieve greater operational efficiency through intelligent data and process management. Key elements supporting efficiency include:

  • Minimizing downtimeautomated alerts on critical events enable rapid corrective actions, preventing business process delays. 
  • Error reduction – automation eliminates human errors, ensuring greater accuracy and improved data quality. 
  • Task prioritizationidentifying key metrics allows teams to focus on the most important tasks, optimizing resources and time management. 
data activator microsoft

Discover the power of Data Activator for Your business

At EBIS, we understand the importance of fast and effective data management. Our Microsoft Data Activator, Power BI and Fabric solutions will help you: