We have the great pleasure of inviting all enthusiasts of analytical technologies to the 16th Meeting of the Cracow Power BI & Fabric User Group, which will take place on September 18, 2024. This is a great opportunity to continue your adventure with Business Intelligence and learn about the latest solutions in the world of Power BI and Microsoft Fabric. The meeting, organized in the hospitable premises of the University of Economics and Computer Science in Cracow, at św. Filipa Street 17 (Toronto room), starts at 18:15.

Agenda of 16th Meeting of the Cracow Power BI and Fabric User Group

  • 18:15 – 18:30 – Intro
  • 18:30 – 19:15 – Aleksandra Godlewska – “Praktyczne przykłady jak tworzyć bezpośrednio w Power BI instrukcje obsługi raportów dla użytkowników” [PL]
  • 19:15 – 19:45 – Pizza Break & Networking
  • 19:45 – 20:30 – Jacek Nosal – “Świat map w Power BI. Zmiany, zmiany, zmiany…” [PL]
  • 20:30 – 21:00 – Outro & Networking

Speakers of 16th Meeting of the Cracow Power BI and Fabric User Group

Aleksandra Godlewska

The first speaker of the meeting will be Aleksandra Godlewska, an expert in data visualization and a member of the international #PBIcoreVisuals team. In her presentation, she will share practical examples of how to create report instructions directly in Power BI, which will certainly make it easier for users to navigate through reports and use them more effectively. Aleksandra, thanks to her experience and passion for aesthetic and functional reporting, will introduce participants to the world of modern standards for creating reports.

Jacek Nosal

The second session will be led by Jacek Nosal, a topographic data and map visualization enthusiast in Power BI. In his presentation entitled “The world of maps in Power BI. Changes, changes, changes…” he will talk about the latest trends and features in the area of ​​maps in Power BI. Jacek will also present a Live Demo session, during which he will present practical applications of maps, answering frequently asked questions related to their use.

Why is it worth taking part?

The meetings of the Cracow Power BI & Fabric User Group are not only inspiring presentations, but also a great opportunity to exchange experiences and network. This is a place where both advanced and those just starting their adventure with Business Intelligence will find something for themselves. During the pizza break, you will have the opportunity to establish contacts with other participants and exchange ideas on working with Power BI.

Event registration

We remind you to register. The event takes place live, without the possibility of broadcasting or transmission, which makes it even more valuable.

Registration for the event is possible on the Meetup website FOLLOWING THE LINK .

Join us and learn how the latest Power BI and Fabric features can support your professional development and streamline your daily work with data!