Data analysis has become the core of modern business, and managing it effectively is critical to success. If you want to learn how modern solutions can revolutionise your business, join us for an inspiring webinar on 27 September 2023.

Power BI with Azure Data Factory service – why attend?

1. Modern data analytics

Modern business data analytics projects require innovative approaches. In this webinar, you will learn how simplified data integration and effective data management in the cloud can improve your business performance.

2. Automating data analytics

During the webinar, we would also like to show you how to automate your data analytics processes so you can save time and resources that can be allocated to more strategic goals.

3. Combining Power BI and Azure Data Factory

We will also discover how to combine the potential of Power BI with Azure Data Factory to create advanced analytical tools and reports to make better business decisions.

Webinar Agenda

1 Case Study: Your report refreshes too slowly. How can you speed up access to up-to-date data? 

2. what is Azure Data Factory (ADF) and why you should use it in conjunction with Power BI 

3 An example solution architecture 

4. automation and scheduling of data loading 

5. Microsoft Fabric – an all-in-one solution 

Join the webinar on 27 September 2023 at 10 a.m., which we are co-hosting with All4Cloud, and you will see how a modern approach to data analytics can transform your business. Registration is simple and free. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn and gain new experiences!

Registration for the webinar

We invite you to participate! Together, we will discover new possibilities in business data analytics.